How to keep iPad stable
The operating system iOS revolutionized the world in terms of the operation of the touch screen. The possibility of multi touch gestures, as well as the interpretation of tilt sensors and the number of all other innovative features lead to a very complex structure of hardware and software, which must function absolutely precisely with each other to achieve the goal - the enthusiastic customers - in total.
Supporting MobiFolders, we have discovered that many users are not aware of one very important point relating to the use of iPads. Here is the question: How do I close an iOS program completely? Many users assume that when they press the home button, a program completely closes and frees the occupied system resources. It is not case. The affected program moves only into the background and can continue to consume the system resources. The operating system manages the entire process and does its utmost to provide as much memory as possible to other programs from the one hidden in the background.
The physical size of memory varies depending on the type of hardware:
iPad 1 = 256 MB
iPad 2 = 512 MB
iPad 3 = 1 GB
When you consider that the iOS 5 claims over 120 MB memory for itself, it soon becomes clear what a difficult task the operating system has, if it is switched between several programs. The iOS 6 is limited only to the iPads 2 and 3 and is unavailable for the iPad 1.
The user can contribute very much to the stable use of iPads. Here are two points from our experience that can increase the stability of the trace:
- Close unneeded programs completely. How to do it, read this description.
- Restart the iPad from time to time, which also means to close all the applications bevore restart in order to have the best effect.